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MOS 3d,12a,23d,28a

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devadiva | 13:11 Tue 11th Dec 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
A bit late but can anyone help?
Climbing plant named after two French herbalists (8)
Jean --- Swiss psychologist noted work on sognitive function (6) ??A?E?.
In Scotland a person who does odd jobs (4,3) ?R?? ?A?.
Stage phantom produced by a reflecting sheet of glass (7,5) P???E?S GHOST


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Pepper's Ghost
Orra Man
first one is Bauhinia, named after the Bauhin Brothers
orra man
pepper's ghost
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Very many thanks to you all - so quick too.

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MOS 3d,12a,23d,28a

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