cryptic 2409 in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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cryptic 2409

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twiglet3 | 09:29 Wed 12th Dec 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
4d- legitimately of work or so you say
s?c? ...sick?

12a- agree about the new bat being passable 3,3
n?t ?a?

20a- a tip from the boss
h?a? .... head?

25a- it is inspired and lively

28a- all but a quarter premature
n?a??? .....nearly?

30a- the gift put on account , off we went

22d- inform about, when your to act as a locum for 4,2
???? ?? .....tell on?
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12a not bad
20a head
30a tallied
22d fill in
25a Spir(it)ed
25a Spirited
I disagree with hammersgirl re 30a!

Talent (gift)....Tale (account) (we)nt....We off went!"
Question Author
thankyou all and kayakamina it is talent ...thankyou. xxx
28a Nearly (all but).....N (quarter) +early (premature)

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cryptic 2409

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