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Billy_Bonka | 19:22 Wed 26th Dec 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers
2d- Gallery with open side (6) L?G?I?

Tel 25,494
26a- As many as can be put in a packet perhaps (8)

Times 23,791
9a- School volunteers I fired scarper (8,2)
?I?H?A?L ??
14a- Punch dispenser intially runs out (4) ?I?T
6d- School over, soak and shower (7) R???A?N

Thanks in advance


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26a Boatload
26a boatload
2d) Loggia
9a Hightail it
9a High ta i l it
14a FIST (first-r) to give something that is used to punch(answer mine, explanation alcibiades)
Question Author
Thanks folks.

Still stuck on 6d. The letters are now:


Any ideas?
Retrain ?
Question Author
Of course. Thanks.

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