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dt no.25,499

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LEICESTERSHI | 09:50 Sun 30th Dec 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
Neatly trimmed tree -S/R/C/
AlSo would someone please expalain why lady having socially acceptable books be AUNT?


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u=socially acceptable
books=NT (new testament)
astrict fits but not sure why.
So does ostrich!
spruce - neatly trimmed/tree
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Thank you for the AUNT explanation - still trying to learn how to cope with cryptics.
Think my other clue misprinted, the hypen before the S came out as a missing letter.
Letters should be S/R/C/
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Thanks scorpioangel - kicking myself now - grateful to both of you

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dt no.25,499

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