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Daily Express Book quiz

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shaley | 11:23 Mon 31st Dec 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
3 Answers
40 The lawnmarket in Edinburgh is part of what?
49.. what is a Macnab?
55 who claims to have invented the sunbed?

Any help please ?


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lawn market is part of the Royal mile
A macnab is a challenge to bag a red deer, shoot a brace of grouse and catch a salmon all within one day
sorry i don't have answer to sunbed inventer yet
hi I think answers are
lawn market is part of the Royal mile
A macnab is a challenge to bag a red deer, shoot a brace of grouse and catch a salmon all within one day
sorry i don't have answer to sunbed inventer yet
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Thank you and a happy new year

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