Mensa puzzle in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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Mensa puzzle

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wisemother | 12:12 Sun 06th Jan 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
Car A and car B set off from the same point, at the same time, to travel the same journey.

Car A travels at 48 mph and car B travels at 38 mph.

If car A stops after 35 miles, how many minutes will it take car B to catch up?

Am I missing something with this one. I have filled a page with calculations and ended up with an answer with a lot of figures after the decimal point. I have a feeling there must be an easy way to work this out. Can anyone help?
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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I make it 11.5131579 minutes but may be completely wrong! What did you make it?
I get 11 minutes 51 seconds (12 minutes) You anywhere near this?
Agree with catron.
I had that too but was rounding down on the decimals and giving it to the nearest minute.
Ah, yes. Should be 11 minutes 30 seconds. Hungover...

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