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Yarmite | 14:02 Thu 10th Jan 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
Can anyone help find these surnames?
1. O, rugs in a muddle, found in a bog?(8)
2. Look in your loose change and find �2.00?(7)
3. An undergarment - for a lady?(7)
4. Holy man holding a childs bed?(5)
5. Care for the vulnerable?(6)
6. Our Lord - that is?(8)
7. Hang, lose a tail and find a small rooster?(7)
8. Unhappy involving four and all in reverse?(5)
9. Decorative hotpot?(7)
10. A mouse coloured tin?(6)
Thanks in advance for your help.


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2 Collins
4 Scott
6 Christie
8 Davis
10 Duncan?
1 FErgusoN
7. Hanc0ck
7 Hanc0ck (hang minus g (tail) + rooster)
9. Stewart
5. Foster?
3. Spencer

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