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charity quizzes

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tinx | 22:56 Wed 23rd Jan 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers
I really enjoy doing the quizzes for charity but I cannot get the search facility to give me any recent results for new quizes that are available - I have one or two on the go now but always looking for some more.

any info on some new ones would be much appreciated


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The New Year Quiz in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support
is now ready to order.

130 questions, puzzles and pictures to keep your brains working now you've all finished the various Christmas offerings.

First Prize is �100, second �50 and third �25 . There are lots of other prizes to win.

Answer sheets are to be returned by March 1st (loads of time to find those tricky questions)

The quiz costs �7 (of which at least �5 is a direct donation to Macmillan). Cheques etc should be made payable to 'Quizzes for Charity' and sent to QfC, 196 Telford Avenue, Stevenage, Herts SG2 0AU

The quiz can be sent by email if an address is provided; otherwise a SAE is very useful.

There are others who will undoubtedly post her soon.
Perhaps you would like to purchase a copy of the current Colour Quiz, organised by St. Guthlac's Ladies' Guild in Market Deeping, for �1.00. The closing date is 29th March & the prize is �25.00. Send a cheque (made payable to St. Guthlac's Ladies' Guild) or a �1.00 coin + a stamped self- addressed envelope to:-

3 Church Street
Deeping St. James

Thanks very much to all those ABers who have already supported this quiz.
Fundraising quiz for Diabetes UK Horsham support branch. 100 questions - GK, cryptic and anagrams - all locations in the UK
�1 (cheques payable to W.J.Woodford) with SAE t0 Bill and Janet Woodford, 102, Corsletts Avenue, Broadbridge Heath, Horsham, west Sussex. RH12 3NZ
Wragby Swimming Club "C" People Quiz. All the clues lead to people whose surnames begin with "C".

Price �1 + s.a.e., or cheque for �1.34 payable to Wragby & District Swimming Club.

Available from:

Jenny Hadingham,
2 Chapel Court,
Silver Street,
Market Rasen,
LN8 5PJ.

Closing date: Sunday, 30th March, 2008.


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charity quizzes

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