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Flower Quiz

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jillie | 16:08 Sat 26th Jan 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
1 Christmas Wine Selection

2 Foppish Beast Maybe

3 Otherwise known as a witchcraft

4 Twenty past four perhaps

Many thanks everyone


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1 hollyhock
2 dandelion
4 thyme
have you got nos 18, 32, 38 70 any help please Thanks
Question Author
Hi Bibster
I have only got 18 - Cheeseplant. Thanks for your help
i have got cheeseplant for no 71 and catmint for no 100
I've got Palm for 32, and Tiger Lily for 38, if it's any help, bibster.

3 Can that be broom? A witches craft for flying
32 i have five fingers

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Flower Quiz

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