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towns and rivers

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teddysbears | 16:48 Tue 29th Jan 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
12 Answers
smouse . I will have lots wrong and will have 7 spaces and i Hate sending quizzes with spacers but can't see any answer that will fill the ones I want. good luck with yours anyway cheers Pat


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which 7 - just give me the numbers
Question Author
the 7 numbers i need are 47, 51, 58, 63, 71,99, 101 thank you Pat
99 cumberland
Sorry I should have said I can't help with the rest, They are the ones I need as well
Question Author
sorry smouse for get the 99 had not put it on the paper sincr you confirmed it this morning so that leave all but the 99 thanks Pat
No sensible answers for 47 58 63

51 Pisa
71 starts with P
101 starts with G
not saying these are right either
Question Author
thanks smouse got them from your clues just got to put something at side of those 3 other thank you very much for your help Pat :-))
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teddysbears, may I ask what you have decided for 101, Painted woman,we 'ear? beginning with G. I just cannot figure it out.
Question Author
tpw536w right or wrong I have put greenook it seemed to fit cheers Pat
What is this? a private club? Give me a chance to help....some clues not just numbers would be good!!!!
Question Author
unless you are doing the quiz it is tricky because it has a sheet of question and a sheets of answers so is not easy to post on here. over the weeks questions have been asked but without you have a quiz it is hard. cheers Pat

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towns and rivers

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