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Brass Monkey Quiz

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Marsimbo | 17:25 Thu 31st Jan 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
1. The answer is a mammal: Melt lead around 3rd June.
2. The answer is also a mammal: Old king around gold.
3. The answer is about metals: Solve this equation ....
50 + 82 + 29 + 51. I know this adds up to 212 but cannot see what it has to do with metals.


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1. eland - anag lead + n (3rd June)
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Many thanks. I just did not see that!
find a periodic table
have you done the titanium one
Smouse - TIGER - Ti (Titanium) Gives Extra Reliability at first (initial letters of the words)

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Brass Monkey Quiz

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