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MoS 8A and 26A

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justretired | 11:30 Sun 03rd Feb 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers
8A In Ancient Greece, relating to the underworld. Unusual in beginning with four consonants, the first two of which are not pronounced. -h-h-n-a-

26A Adjective formed from the name John, used in refeence to one of various persons of that name. -o-a-n-n-


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the answer to 26A is JOHANNINE

Cheers Linda
8a Chthonian
26a johannine
Question Author
Many thanks. justretired
8a answer is chthonian
8a chthonian.
i am looking for 6dn and 26 acr can you help please.
6 down....*****
6d ****** 26 ac johannine
8a Chthonian
Sorry, I didn't mean to rubber stamp you all - I had not seen the thread until liverpool221 posted.

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MoS 8A and 26A

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