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Plant Quiz

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jillie | 14:47 Sat 09th Feb 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
Any help appreciated please All flowers or plants
1 Will be both wise and beady

2 Could be damaged or a sweeper when famous?

Many thanks


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2 I have put Basil (brush)
1 - think i answered this a few days back - my best shot is
bachellors buttons ( bachellers 'ba' wise ? - buttons are classed as beady) - go for it
2 - can't quite 'suss' the answer basil with regard to 'damaged' and i can't really 'suss' my own effort for the same reason but i will offer 'broom' (as in david) but even that may have an E on the end.??
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Thanks everyone
no2 my explination Damaged= Basil Faulty
Sweeper = Basil Brush any good?/

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