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Basle6 | 13:06 Tue 03rd Aug 2004 | Quizzes & Puzzles
3 Answers
How many miles does a Premiership referee cover during each match on aveage( to nearest mile)?


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I heard/read/made up that the likes of Keane/Vieira/Scholes etc (i.e. - the top central midfielders) cover approx 7 miles per game so I reckon it can't be any more than that. My guess is 5.0 - 5.5. But thats just my opinion (for what its worth)
According to current FIFA guidelines, referees can be expected to run up to 8 miles during a game. Linesmen must be able to run just over 4 miles.
Don't know...but I do know that postgrad students at Chester College (when it was a PE Teacher Training College in the 80's)conducted research into referees' movements during a match...with a view to designing a training regime to ensure that referees trained properly. The research involved observing monitoring referees at every Chester FC home game during a season (when they were in 4th Division...a status they have happily regained!!!). The College may be able to look for info in archives or at least point you in right direction.

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