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wendypol | 15:57 Sun 17th Feb 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers
Is anyone outthere doing the latest quiz? all answers are to do with sports equipment. I am stuck on:-
One tier.


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Well if you are really only stuck on that one well done but please remember this quiz only came out a couple of days ago and I know people who havent even received it yet and closing date is April
Please try to wait a bit longer before you ask anymore
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sorry smouse
but when you are housebound these quizes are a large part of your day.
I appreciate that Wendy I gave up work to look after disabled husband. Its just that I tend to not think for myself if I see answers. You've done well if you only need one I've only done just over half
Good luck and hope you didnt mind my comment
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Hi smouse No I haven,t done them all, but although I can see where some questions are going and know I can work at them, "one tier" just doesn`t strike any bells and it is a pointer in the right direction that I am looking for. Like you i much prefer to work thing out myself but do need a littlre help sometimes.
If I get any inspiration I will be back - lol
done 26 and a half now - dont ask how I can do half a one!
I've got it now - arrow
Have you done any of these 9 14 44
and have you just put rings for 15? and I am not sure of my answer to 30
Question Author
Hi smouse I have bail (cricket) for number 9 so far I haven't got 14,44 or 30, but agree with rings for 15. Am having a bad week but will bounce back.
Snap - I've had a why us week so far too
I have bail now and I just need 44 which I can only think flippers so will go with that if nothing else comes up
14 pad

30 hammer

not sure about them but its better than blanks
chin up and take care

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