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dt gk 22d

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Blackheathen | 09:36 Sat 15th Mar 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers
please can anyone help? I have Spur Ryal as the answer but could it be Royal? Many thanks in advance


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I'm inclined to go with you. I am currently stumped with this one as I think 39a is Claymore. Which would not fit with Spur Ryal or Spur Ryals(the clue does not suggest plural) I have googled throughly for an alterntive with no luck. Yours seems to be a sensible, logical answer. Perhaps, we will have to wait until the brainiacs have risen!
Yes it's Spur Royal
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Thanks very much, I have Claymore too!!

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dt gk 22d

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