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Another Blooming Quiz

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jaywhybee | 14:26 Sat 12th Apr 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
24 Answers
I've been monitoring the hints on Q73 and am obviously as thick as a plank because I still don't get it. I can find 'emperors' followed by 'colours' but putting them together does not get me any 'toast'... What is it I'm missing here?? - apart, obviously, from a decent brain!


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Not thck at all, took me ages as well
Try googling a famous French Emperor with a little flower that is also a colour.
I have 2 left to solve, any hints for nos 49 and 93.
93 A type of tax in an anagram of third and fourth words. Please can anyone give me a hint for no.5 (Fly in the Flying squad - 10 letters)
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Thanks lakegirl, I'll keep trying, when I understand the 'toast' part I'll no doubt kick myself. Re 49 try an alternative name for an iris as the first word. Re 5, a character in the Goon Show.
Thanks jaywhybee. I should have got that - I was a fan of the Goon Show.
Thank you both very much. My day for being dim. I think I have got 49, but missing the clue about the tail. Still puzzling over 93. I'll keep trying.
5 - I thought that was cranesbill - not a Goon show person.
93. For the tax, think 17.5%. 5. Google for Goon Show characters - think of a type of fly.
I wikipeded goon show and got the answer.
Cranesbill not a bad answer, but I was never confident.
Meant to add that the alternative word for iris is also another name for a bushy tail (see Chambers)
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Goofy - I think you'll find that the Goon Show character's name is a type of fly and also a slang term for a member of the Flying Squad, as well as being a plant in it's own right.
Finished! Thank you. Now I can do the housework.
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Sorry Goofy - bad timing on my part.

I have to say I still can't get 73. I presume the emperor is N but I can't find any colours/flowers that, when combined with N, lead me to 'toast'. Any further help?
Try looking at N's nicknames, and how he was referred to in a toast . L.
The reference to toast just means someone to whom one could drink a toast - like The Queen, God bless her.
Thank you for the tip on 5 - I had cranesbill, but the Goon one is better.
Could I butt in and ask for a hint on 18 ?
I have an idea ( beginning with M )but am not happy with it ..Thanks all
I thought it started with a V but I could be wrong
Got it ! Many thanks bibster ..and good luck .
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Well - I think at last that the penny has dropped. Thanks for your patience, especially lakegirl. Perhaps I need to change my cv...!!
well jaywhybee,I'm glad the penny dropped for you 'cos I am still puzzled by no.73.I can't put the emporer N with a toast and come up with a flower!

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