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Blooming Quiz

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jane mark 2 | 14:42 Mon 21st Apr 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
87.Can anyone please tell me if the shortened form of South Africa is ZA as in car registrations for this answer,if so I have the answer, if not can you give another clue please?


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Question Author
Many thanks for reply and also for referring me to ANOTHER good web site J.
I have an answer with ZA in it
Can you help me with no 49 ;- signal to stop with bushy tail that has a soft covering of fluffy hair 4-4 letters

you may know this but I find

very useful too
signal to stop - as in motor racing. it is also a word for bushy tail.
soft fluffy - think ducks
Question Author
Thanks Vicasso, I have put that site in my favourites too!J.
Thank you very much goofy. It is a helpful clue thanks again

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