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Prospect Magazine May Issue

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merched | 18:26 Tue 22nd Apr 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
The May magazine is on line, but not the Generalist crossword. Once again it says "forbidden".
I expect we'll have to be patient and wait a little longer for it to become available. Seems to be a regular thing now.


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It is on line
Question Author
Thank you, JBW, so it is! I tried several times a little earlier on and kept getting "forbidden". I shall get busy!!
Just a minor point that may save confusion, I think the clue for 41 across should read ...... Herisau not Herisan.
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Thank you, Sarumite.
Why is it necessary to post similar comment to the one above nearly every month now?

This month the publication date is stated as April 23rd

So, late on the eve of the publication day .... Prospect set up the new month's issue online and, take a little time to test in order to make sure that it downloads etc ....

There is therefore always a short period of time when the Puzzle is showing online BUT cannot be downloaded ...

Hopefully, trigger-happy addicts who seemingly must have their finger-poised over the download button can learn to wait .....
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Lighten up, athenae, why be so critical? No one's doing any harm.
I just happen to enjoy this particular crossword and look forward to the day it's published. Is that so bad?
Couldn't agree with you more Merched!
Question Author
Thank you, macpark.

By the way, enjoyed the UC programmes, congrats and commiserations!!!

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Prospect Magazine May Issue

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