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It's a hard quiz

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doogied | 16:34 Fri 09th May 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
27 Answers
1. A sandstorm(6)
Answer begins with H,A,R or D please.


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Question Author
Thanks, mazie.
Pleasure. in fact bought back a lot of memories. I was once caught in an Haboob at Khartoum Airport!
Question Author
Do you know the world war II battle? I've googled lots of sites and am beginning to think it must have a mistake.
doe it have to begin with the letters above? and do you know how many letters are in the answer?
Question Author
Yes 6 letters, a world war II battle in october 1944, starting with h,a,r or d
Question Author
You're a star ,mazie, !!
On the same lines do you know this one?
Tomatoes, aubergines,peppers and onions cooked together (11 letters) I'm araid I'm not much of a cook
Also stuck on The inventors o acrylic paint (6, 3 )
Question Author
Oops, that should read "of acrylic paint" Sorry
no21 ratatouille and no38 reeves ltd. i was stuck on no38 and it was an ABer who gave me answer so im not taking the credit on that one.
Question Author
Thanks, madaboutcats. Have you got No 41? The only 10 letter battle is copenhagen and that doesn't fit.
Any answers I can help you with?
other ABers that asked for no41 me included were given heligoland as the answer
have you got no 94 smallest bird can bee tuneful (7.4)
humming bird
thanks mazie i thought it might have been but wasnt 100% sure.
pleasure, madaboutcats.
Question Author
Thanks madabout cats and mazie. I was put off the bird question by tring to fit "wren" in to the answer.
Only 4 to go, 58,62, 85 and 93.
I've tried asking the questions on answer bank but it doesn't offer me the choice of any places to look to see if the questions have been asked before, usually I can look and see if the questions have already been posted.
no93 dumfries and if u would the answers to the others let me know.
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Yes please, madaboutcats, I've googled the autobiographies for ages and looked up their books on amazon but can't get anything to fit
Question Author
Managed to get 58 myself !
Just noticed I need 75 as well, something watch?
Question Author
Sorry, I must be on a wee roll as I've just got 75, but I'm really stumped with the Peter Alliss one

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