MM and KM Links April 2008 [Week 3] in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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MM and KM Links April 2008 [Week 3]

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crofter | 19:01 Fri 16th May 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
107 Answers
Good Evening AB Linkers, everywhere!

Welcome to this third week in the reign of Lady Judy, who is doing rather well with her newly acquired IT skills. I don't wish to tempt fate ~ but we now have had two perfect launches. From her latest e-mail, I guess that she is intending to drop some hints as to her intended theme tomorrow, but as Pauline will tell you, guessing the theme is no real advantage sometime.

This is especially so when the setter (as in the present case) can go off at a tangent at any moment. How can you predict the unpredictable? Certainly, we can expect an entertaining game tomorrow morning! The site should open about 8.45 am and the four words to be linked will be declared at 9.00am tomorrow, when MM Links kicks off in earnest.

The international version of this same game is called KM Links and kicks off at the unearthly hour of about 06.30am! Keep your eyes open for seekeerz our very own Wizard of Oz, who has been experiencing problems with her PC. She usually collates the entries and keeps score. Rumour has it that she is in a state of shock because the current leader on 8 Points is some one called crofter!

It has been pointed out, that if I could get my lazy bones out of bed at 06.30am, I could well be on 14 Points! I can still be caught and knocked off pole position. Why not chance your arm at both Link Games? There are only four weeks this month, so we're almost in the home straight. See you at the winning post!

Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Does anyone know if seekeerz is back on-line yet?

If not, I put myself forward to score the KM game this weekend.
I don't think seekeerz is back on line.

I think I know her phone number (don't ask how!) and may try and give her a call tomorrow (Sat a.m.UK time) to find out the status quo.

Meanwhile I expect the Shrubbery to behave in its usual anarchic but very enjoyable form.


ah laydees, the shrubbery gates are open and I have found two men lurking, hope they tidy it up from last week before we bring on this weeks party
Hi Jan...gen2 and strix...beat us to it!!

They do look a rum pair!
rum is the word, wouldn't want to meet them on a dark night in an ally way would you?????
Good evening pauline, jan, strix and gen2.
What's on the agenda tonight ?
Well we could play games in the shrubbery....there is a quiz I believe going around along those lines!
Still! pauline?

I thought it was all done and dusted by now!
gen2 some of us are still!!!!!!! struggling with that
I am still doing mine!!...any answer sheets safely locked away!!...honestly!!!
Oh Jan, (1956), after a "rum pair" (I assume you mean a double) if I met you in an alley I would be more than prepared to be pally with such an ally!
will have another go this week not back at work till Thursday
have not looked at it for a week or so perhaps the answers will leap out at me now!
meanwhile has anybody got a Monopoply set or cludo???
what about stick the tail
or....... spin the bottle there seems to be a few kicking around here
Damn easy to kick and spin, Jan, as you emptied them!
I am sure we would all be pals strix, we have loads in common
especially been mad on a Friday night!
What about Simone says!!! :-))
Let's face it we can't have a man tell us what to do!!!
not all by myself Strix I assure you I had lots of help from the others
hey must tell you they let me bring half a bottle of Pimms home as we had opened it and not finished it last Sunday
it will not last long I can tell you!
A man can tell you what to do, Pauline, but I have never met a woman who will do what a man tells her what to do. The best way to get a woman to do what you want her to do is to tell her not to do it!
ooooooh devious, we see striaght through you
we just don't let you know that we know
we can play devious too
and the best way to get a man to do something, is to let him think it's his idea!!! :-))
Isn't it always his idea, Pauline?

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MM and KM Links April 2008 [Week 3]

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