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DM Cryptic 29th May

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mazie | 14:34 Fri 30th May 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
14 Answers
I'm very new to cryptic crosswords and would really like some help on the following(explanations would be great as well) Thanks

13 a Object to mice running about, confined to one area
E?d???? (7)Endemic ?

12a Fellow in Oporto going wild on the tiles(7) O?o???p

6d Harsh sentence in church's former message(15)

I believe it's an anagram of harsh and sentence plus something else, but I can work out what!


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13a ENDEMIC = of an area
Object = End (as in objective)
+ mice anagram
14:38 Fri 30th May 2008
13a ENDEMIC = of an area
Object = End (as in objective)
+ mice anagram
Question Author
thanks gen. I took your advice and started lower down the ladder :o)
12a = ROOFTOP (on the tiles)
anagram of Oporto + F(ellow)
12a Rooftop....Anag of "Oporto+f(fellow)"
6D Excommunication
former - ex
message - communication
Question Author
Fantastic, thanks guys. Your answers have left me with a wrong answer so.....

7d.Euphorbia's special on drive (6)

spurge ?
special - sp
drive - urge
spurge sp(ecial) urge is drive
and Euphorbia is a plant also known as spurge.

Sp + Urge
Question Author
would you mind just one more? I think I know the answer but dont understand why

2d Commandeered a top ground in mixed school (7)

C?o?t?r (crofter?)

anagram of top = opt
mixed school - coed
co opt ed
co (opt)ed ? anag of "top" in Co-ed
Question Author
thank you Junkman....I see it now. It's like learning another language!
Question Author
thanks tyrepilll

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Do you know the answer?

DM Cryptic 29th May

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