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Today's Daily Mail - 8 dn

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whitehill | 13:18 Tue 03rd Jun 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
The clue is: Lee's creation makes two brief appearances in Toulouse (4,10) The answer appears to be Open University but can anyone explain why? The actual letters I have are o-e- u-i-e-s-t- (this is my last one, so there are no more letters to come and I am happy that all these letters are correcf) Getting ready to kick myself....


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OU appears twice in Toulouse dont know the lees reference
Jenny Lee was a founder of the open university. Thanks to Mamyalynne for pointing out OU in Toulouse - I also had the answer, but couldn't see that relevance.
Question Author
Thank you both - I also completely missed the double OU and thanks for the link
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Sorry - I mean, thank you all three - can't even count on my fingers today!

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Today's Daily Mail - 8 dn

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