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Places quiz

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doogied | 00:02 Thu 05th Jun 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
Any help please?
9. Instrument,Fortress (10) Maybe ?castle, I wondered.
15. Full buffet table.
22. Fix together.
45. Decorate.
Maybe these have been asked before but I can't look back the previously asked questions.


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9. Horncastle
are these english place names?
45 Trim (Ireland)
Question Author
Thanks for those. Sorrry, mamyalynne, I should have said they were within the British Isles and Ireland.
Question Author
Oops !! I should also have said No 15 has 8 letters, No22 has 6 letters and No 45 has 8 letters. Sorry !!
22 bolton?
15 Nun eaton ?
Question Author
Thanks so much, everybody, I still need a few for this quiz but I'll try googling some more, but I might need your help again later !!

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