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apples and people

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Emu2005 | 18:07 Thu 05th Jun 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
Hello, there are 5 apples in a bowl and you can move them. There are 5 people underneath.
The puzzle says to give an apple to each person and keep one in the bowl.
does anyone know the solution to this? you can only move the apples.


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you are one of the people underneath
Question Author
sorry i don't understand!
Don'tt understand "you can only move the apples" or the "people underneath" bit, but this sounds like the old chestnut to me. You give four people an apple each, and the fifth one you give them the bowl with the apple in it.
Yes Postdog, Exactly what I was going to say.
Question Author
yes that sounds right! Thanks for your help!
But you are not allwed tro move the bowl, only the apples, isn't that so?

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apples and people

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