Good morning all - I hope it's a bright sunny one for you as it's doing the reverse here - grey drizzle, well it's winter, what more can you expect !!
Thought I'd try not to clash with any early risers this morning/afternoon and hopefully avoid confusion in the ranks, there's enough of that already.
Well we're half way [or nearly] though the month and Aquagility is leading by a point but with a whole lot of people in hot pursuit and hopefully this will be one of Kate's less obscure weeks giving us a chance to score lots of points
Ok in the not to distant future an early riser will post this morning's words along with their own selections and then we all get to join in.
Come Monday, we get to find out how we all went, when the links are posted and I break out the second-hand abacus and add up the scores.
Pretty straight forward, so if you haven't played before join and enjoy the fun, you'll be very welcome.
Hope everyone is well - I'm just going to wander over to the Shrubbery and check on last night's revels, while waiting for our fun to begin.......Good Luck S