dtgk 21.6.08 in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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dtgk 21.6.08

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Hoffy | 14:19 Sat 21st Jun 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
2 Answers
Help please with last two
14d Produce reluctantly when excavation has finished 3.2
Can't decide if this is dig up or dug up
26a Energy at present enough in the past 4
I have E?O?
Thanks in anticipation
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I would say "dig up" as it's produce rather than produced.

ENOW is an olden word for enough. E+NOW
Question Author
Thank you for your prompt assistance. I tend to agree with you that dig rather than dug is the correct answer.

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dtgk 21.6.08

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