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Att Tyrepill

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kayakamina | 13:19 Sun 29th Jun 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers
I left a message for you in the crossword section re MOS crossword.

Thanks K


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"giantgerbil" asked for an answer to a clue in a crossword that i happen to have completed.
Question Author
Thanks for that.

I was curious to know how the answer had been arrived at from the clue quoted, as it didn't seem to me to meet any of the cryptic elements.

I am always anxious to improve my crosswording skills and like to understand how others solve clues.

Perhaps you could come back and assist.

Thanks & regards

The clue was "lee marvins humour in 8 down"(8 letters)...8 down being the film "The Dirty Dozen"...........and i already had ?A?D?N?C
Question Author
Thanks again. I see it wasn't a cryptic clue at all.

I note that you are a regular contributor of answers on this site and wondered if you do any of the more advanced crosswords - especially the barred ones, so I can exchange thoughts with you?

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Att Tyrepill

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