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Whittington Cricket

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Peasblossom | 15:14 Sun 13th Jul 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
Help would be appreciated with the following:-

13 Gather rubber near the ground (6)
45 Sounds like a royal ale (4-5)
63 Add up to the top (6)
96 Large Dwelling (8)
97 No oven stardom (7-2-4)
thanks in advance


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63 looks like Summit.
Is there any theme to the answers please?
13 would seem to be TAPLOW
Is there a theme to the answers you seek?

because I cannot see a link between 'SUMMIT' and 'TAPLOW'
Could 97 be an anagram of "No oven stardom". I'm assuming that answers are towns or villages ( We have a Summit near us. ) so it could be .......-on-....
We shouldn't have to be guessing at themes novalis.

WAKEY WAKEY Peasblossom
97. Marston on Dove (anagram)

can you help me with any of these please
10. A lighter shade of tree
14. Quite the reverse of what a dentist might say
26. One potato crisp for each meadow
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Thanks to everyone, my apologies for ot putting the theme, whichwas indeed plac names in Great Britain.

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Whittington Cricket

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