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Cransley Capital Cities

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cornelia 1 | 19:31 Tue 15th Jul 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers
2. This bean contains cyanide compounds (4)
14. Removing two vowels from the end of country will give you its capital
19. Jane fonda AKA (5)
20. Could a large net rip olives from the tree (7)

Thanks if anyone can help


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19 Hanoi
2 - There's a Lima bean.
14 Nigeria Niger???
2 is lima
14 Tunis?
Question Author
Thanks now is it niger or tunis.
any help with 20.
It is Tunis. Niger is a separate country. Have looked through a list of 7-letter capitals and nothing stands out. I'll keep thinking but have to log off shortly.
yes sorry i have tunis. I also have Tripoli or 20
large neT RIP OLIves from the tree
Question Author
Thanks Dianne

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