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hideaway | 16:38 Sat 19th Jul 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
2 Answers
5a seeds tease an old lady at flushing meadow 8 letters
_ _ _d_ _ _ _

3d fawn's trapped in hole blackbirds escaped from
8 letters t_ _ _ _ _ _ _

4d pop includes male and all girl sensations 9 letters
p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

18d tiny organism disturbed bone area 8 letters

thank you


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piecrust phenomena

5a Card-a-mom - card = tease + American (Flushing Meadow) 'mum'
3d Pi-ecrus-t - ecrus = fawns (in) pit
4d P-he-nomen-a - Pa (pop) + he + 'no men' (all girl)
18d Anaerobe - anag 'bone area'

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