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Total Film magazine: Remake Collage

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Nootlin | 16:57 Wed 23rd Jul 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
2 Answers
Can anyone help with the lump of coal (?) with the letters PB on it?
Pretty sure I have all of the others, if anyone needs help.



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To bump, and to add a couple of answers I'm not 100% on:

The three bells could be "The Bells" ('26, '31)
The letter M is probably "M" ('31, '51)
The Thailand sign could be "Bangkok Dangerous" ('99, '08)
The fire in the sky's probably "Flight of the Phoenix" ('65, '04)

The rest are pretty straightforward, but I'm here if you need me!
Question Author
Got it!
I had Bedazzled from the bee and the Daz. I've realized that PB is lead, and that makes the third part of the title -
Bee Daz Lead

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Total Film magazine: Remake Collage

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