thank you smurff cani be cheeky enough to ask if you've got no43T B A (B) I T by T L its my last one and im seeing double going through my british hit single and albums book, is there any more i can help you with?
ah another gem, thank you Missboots, i would have struggled to get that one as i couldnt think of an artist that was K C, now most definatly finished, thanks for your help smurff and Missboots and bookwormer
and good luck to you as well smurff and to everyone else who has done this quiz, i will have to buy myself some more stamps for all the entries i will have to post back in the next two weeks.
ive got three i.o.u ones and i hate owing money to people, also i like to know what the quiz is about and where the money is going to before i decide to send off for it or not.
ps though you're right it does save on postage, its just i have a bad memory and ive had to write on the i.o.u quiz sheets that i owe then the entry fee. hee hee its even better when the envelope comes back and you've won.