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Bare Bones 31.8.08

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purplepaula | 20:39 Mon 01st Sep 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
16A Woman making dress with unusual art
_ _ B _ _ _ A (Robinia?)

13D Sensational cover about old city L _ _ _ D

12D Hesitation in wager which could go to one's head
B _ _ _ T (Think it's BERET but don't know why!)
Thanks in advance for help


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BERET is correct BET(wager) + ER(hesitation)

Thinking about the others
LID(cover) + UR(old city)
16A Roberta (Robe + Art)
16a roberta
robe(dress) + art
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Thanks to all and for the explanations!!
happy to help :-)

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Bare Bones 31.8.08

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