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granny grump | 21:31 Mon 08th Sep 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers
I have been trying to think of the name of the maltese gangster family that operated in London before the Krays and Richardsons were ever heard of. They were eventually deported but set up all the usual gangster rackets. I can remember them being deported but cannot remember their name


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Messina Brothers? They're the only ones I can think of.
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Thank you Jim Jools that sound right - I have just googled them and they were Sicilian - so perhaps my memory is deceiving me
Yes, but there were a couple of mentions about Maltese gangs too. So I'm not sure. It was Jim who came up with that name but couldn't remember much about them.
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Thank you again Jools - and kind regards to Jim

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