Question Author
Chorley, most of the quiz requests will be posted tomorrow. We waited until the "E" quiz finished, so we could send the new quizzes out with the answers to the old one. You should receive it very shortly, but if you don't then please get back to me. If you let me have your surname, I can tell you straight away if it's on its way.
Tazmac and Granny Grump - Yes, as always, we're delighted with the funds raised by these quizzes. It amazes me how many requests we get, and I am so pleased that you enjoy them and keep coming back for more. Long may it continue, and thank you all for your unwavering support.
I will just mention that so far we have had three envelopes that have been "raided" ,unfortunately, and although the notes and s.a.e.s were present, the �1 coins had gone.
I have notified the people involved, and while I am certainly not asking, or expecting, them to send the money again, I think it's only right that they should know. I have suggested that �1 coins are taped to a piece of card, and inserted inside the s.a.e. for extra protection. It's the "floaters" that seem to get nicked!