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Prize name game

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bald eagle | 13:18 Mon 22nd Sep 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers
Help please with name of U.S actress, in anagram


1st name 3 letters, surname 6 letters

appreciate any suggestions



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All I get from that is "Mel and Sue" who are UK TV personalities rather than American actresses.
Question Author
Thank you squarebear, that was also my first thoughts, wonder if they have made a mistake?

Kind regards
What magazine or paper was it from?
Question Author
It's on the puzzle page of todays Daily Mail

kind regards
-- answer removed --
Sharon stone has been married 3 times so L should be E
Cliff Richards new single is called Thankyou for a lifetime so O should be N
Moulin can be french for a windmill so u should be V
Hope that has cleared up your qyery
I need to learn to spell query lol
Question Author
Hello lampost

Thanks for poiniting out my errors with the letter selection.
i am have some problems with my glasses, and didn't realise how bad things have got.-off to the opticians I thinks

Thank you very much
really appreciated
No probs Bald Eagle happy to help

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