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Natural world

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smouse | 15:07 Tue 23rd Sep 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
Plants birds trees fish insects or animals

1. Invalid trying to make contact
2. Scottish executioner
3. Quick response
4. Sign outside a national bookmaker
5. Utensil used in the kitchen


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3 Swift??
Question Author
I did think that but wasnt sure it fit the response bit but there have been some a bit not quite as I would like them so maybe

4. Coral ??
1. Limp ET.....sorry I don't know how good these clues are
Question Author
I like coral have googled every bookmaker I could think of including coral but was looking for a logo!!

Not sure about limpet but will bear it in mind
2. the Scottish word for a noose is mink
5. Skewer = Skua ??
Question Author
had skua wasnt sure it was a utensil will go with that now

would never have got mink was looking for a factual answer in fact have looked for hours! Thanks

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