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A bad case of way too much imagination over the weekend I'm afraid, the scoring was far from thick and fast.
In my usual over-enthusiasm, I allowed dancers and dancing into the mix, so lysander & shawnee both receive the initial bonus points, but when Mrs E came along with the absolutely correct response, she received bonus points as well for Belly Dance.
Simultaneously, Grey Squirrel and Sugar Cane both fell to freebi2 for a total of four points.
And just when I was beginning to wonder, roslyn 251254 picked up the last one with Plum Tomato
In the good guess department - 2 points go to cliffyg, Chrisiana, Jools, sarumite, Paul21455, & Mr O and a further 15 entries opened their account for this month with one point each.
And quite a lot of us have a lot of work to do next weekend, but never mind, it's all good fun and keeps us off the streets !!!
The Leader Board as such is very briefly -
4 points - freebi2 - congratulations.
Have a good week everyone and we'll be back next weekend to continue the hunt for the Holy Grail [or not] S