Good morning all, coming to you at warp-factor 10, now having cranked the dear girl up and onto broadband, I hope there are no more spectacular hiccups !!!
Week 2 is upon us - fingers crossed or a better weekend this time, and that we all do a better job of matching Kate's selection of links.
Our early riser wil at some stage post this morning's words along with their own selection and then the verbal bunfight begins.
The rules are as usual almost invisible - no restrictions on word length and the whole show shuts down Monday morning when the second link words are posted.
Please don't hesitate to join in and try your hand - it's always a case of the more the merrier.
And as I don't have a clue what the time is now in the UK because we've gone onto daylight saving 3 weeks earlier than usual, I'll post this and see you all a bit later.
Regret that I could not take part last weekend - I needed to go back more than 10 pages by Sunday to locate the "KM" and "MM" Sites, but Answer-Bank steadfastly refused to let me go back more than 10 pages ! Has anyone else experienced this problem ?
Anyway, all seems well today, so my entries are :-
Cutting EDGE
NAIL Varnish
Hi, Steff and all. Here I am in sunny Oxfordshire, better late than never.
My stabs at this week's links are:
Cutting EDGE
THUMB index
Copper NAIL.
Do well and enjoy.
G'Day Seekeerz. I trust your broadband is behaving itself.
I'm just back from 11 days away from home and just in time to enter week 2. I will go with:-
HORNED iguana
KNIFE edge
thumb TACK
nail FILE
haven't had a chance to look at other's guesses but hope those don't duplicate someone elses.