it's always part of a severe winter (4) E _ E _ theres nothing in decoration for this music maker (4) O _ O _ securely enclose the beast (4) _ E _ L dog perhaps, under the's seen on the floor (6) _ A _ P _ _ our support for six girls, initially, takes the energy (6) _ I _ O _ R 16 across (sic) mixed as a filler (6) _ _ S _ _ _ this is the clue for 16 across as in last clue, something on the floor in the room at the hotel (3) ( no letters ) reportedly vend a battery part (4) ( no letters) genuine old Iberian money (4) _ E _ L i know these are probably easy for some people but not for me. i just cant do cryptic clues. so can anyone help me please. thanks for any replys
I think reportedly vend a battery part is CELL - the reportedly comes before vend, so the answer sounds like sell but means a battery part. Apologies for the difference in opinion, mybutty.