New Quizes
Samaritans winner A Taylor Bacup Lancs
(I hope they have let you out so you can see this !!! xx)
New Samaritans Christmas theme �1 + sae (one sheet) closing date 19th December 2008
New Cransley Here Come The Girls �1 + sae
(two sheets) closing date 13th February 2009
mixed clues + lovely pictures
QUESTION 22 HAS BEEN VOID due to an incorrect anagram that affects the answer ...sorry...
Both available from L Wright 66 Severn Way Kettering
Northants NN16 9HN
Both avaiable e-mail with payment on the return.
Please ensure a suitable sized envelope is included. If the letter is too thick I fear some of you will end up paying extra when delivered.
A friend's husband passed away this week in Cransley .................... Now I know why I do this !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love to you all EK xx