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Doctor Doctor

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tazmac25 | 22:01 Fri 21st Nov 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
48 Answers
Any help gratefully recieved

3 a cruel complaint (think this is an ulcer but not sure which one)
7 First 8 key letters on head rest, not quite
35 Bakewell sauce
42 why they released it in March this year
65 complicated cure left (think its an ulcer of some sort)
87 312K (written in red)

Many thanks in advance


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Sorry people I a, playign catch up with all the questions!!!

54 what about ammnesia???
51 I have shock but frostbite is good too
61 what about tinnitus
8 cholera
91 chikungunka fever???

Sorry but it can't be blindness as that is the answer for No. 46 (braille letters that spell blindness)
Question Author
Hi Jared

how are you/
Im still stuck on 7, 42 &65

any bright ideas?/
For 65 I have ulcer. Wasnt sure if that was the answer for no 3 or 65 but someone has suggested callous for no. 3 so ulcer fits in for 65.

I need 5, 7, 42, 69 and 74.

Also not sure whether to put depression for no. 57 or 77
Question Author
I have these

5 low blood pressure
69 buruli ulcer
74 double vision

i had depression for both of them too but have changed 57 to PTSD

Thanks for them but still not sure about 69 will keep googling
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no worries - good luck googling
What do you think of malaria for 69. On Wiki it says it affects 515 million people a year. Could that be the connection between 5 and 15
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I started off with malaria but changed it to BU

I thought it was that is you look at the timings too 4 - 16 is mentioned for i think an inccubation period
so ................................

but i now have malaria for 4 - the 2 words used translates straight into malaria
Oops just checked & I also have malaria for no. 4
How about Japanese Encephalitis. That has an incubation period of 5-15 days
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thats sounds good - well done you!!!
That just leaves 7 and 42 and I havent got a clue what the answers could possibly be!!
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42 - what do you think to the film released in March - sleepwalking??????????
Sounds good to me
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and now down to one ;-)
Yeh another last one - havent been able to find anything for the Peru face
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I might have that one for you - big smiles here

What about Teri Hatcher - she did a lingerie advert a while ago all wind blown hair - have a look and let me know what you think

got another 1 with 1 question left to go

HLSAVCPK what letter comes next in this incomplete sequence?

My son said Teri Hatcher when he first looked at it but I couldn't find the picture anywhere. I was going to put her if I couldn't find anything else. Better than leaving it blank. Will think about your letter sequence for you but have to go shortly as hubby and I are going out for a meal with our sons future in laws
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Many thanks for that - have a lovely evening

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