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Scotsman Factfinder

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dauv | 16:12 Sat 22nd Nov 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers
29a old term for gives or brings success(6) S-Y- - -
20d obsolete term meaningsettled down to form a deposit (7) R-G- - - -

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29a speeds (15d Aberfoyle)
20d I have the letters r?s?d?d (looks like resided but I'm unable to confirm it anywhere)
for 24a I have refuses
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Thanx - I had RENEGES for 24 across and Abernethy for 15 down, but I think you're right.
OED (Online) has -

reside - "...To sink or settle down as a deposit..."

Hi Lie-in King and thanks kindly! (I was hoping you would take a look at this thread) Hope you're well, regards judy:o)

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