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daneswalk | 16:49 Tue 16th Dec 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers
hey big dave44 you can be as rude to me as you like but i must say i have never found you to be rude so help please one across bank transaction 8 &5 thanks in advance see i am not to proud to ask


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standing order ?
Thanks for your support !!

It would be nice if you could provide some letters.

There, that's not too rude, is it ??
The trouble with typing out long resposes it that by the time you get there someone has answered the question !!

Well done sedge.

Question Author
i forgot to give you the letters i certainly have never found you rude more like the other way around anyway have a nice night thanks again
-- answer removed --
daneswalk - please excuse the intrusion
Dave - you big bully!! - all very amusing - do it again!!
Thanks for that Harry - I've been a little distracted this afternoon, but encouraged by the (almost) unanimous support. Even the guy who asked the question 3 times was nice about it !!!

Did you see there was a parallel thread over on CB ?? stion673333.html

Dave -even more amusing - some of the chaterbankers are quite funny - perhaps some of them are even capable of completing a crossward!! - oops!!
No one seem to have cottoned on, BD. yvonnejoyce is just winding you up - she loves you really.

In truth she believes, as I do, that anyone who contributes as much as you do is entitled to make their presence felt now and again.

Happy Christmas.

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