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Europes towns & cities

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tpw536w | 16:09 Thu 18th Dec 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers
53) Crossroads woolly hat & half large room full of beds
54)Compare London to Manchester drink & dock
87)People employed & blue tractor
105)Is turning male bovines into leather
107)O dear not allowed to go there
114)Dirty & unruly child is at the toilet

Thanks for any help


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53. Benidorm
53 Benidorm
105 Istanbul
114. Bratislava
87. Stafford?
Question Author
Thanks everyone
Question Author
I have the same answer for two (Aberdeen) , can anyone say which question it should go with?
91)granite City
92)Most oil comes through this city

Thanks again
54 southport
107 oban
i know ive asked before but any ideas on no 37 not happy and no more vermin ererybody seems to be struggling on this one
Question Author
Thanks smurff, no not yet still plodding through the rest.

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Europes towns & cities

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