K. I wonder if this refers to Charles Eamer Kempe - a late 19th century designer and maker of stained glass windows. His angels' wings are well-known to resemble peacock feathers ... the only problem is that I can't find any examples on Google but there are references to it.
Does the answer have to be an animal / bird etc? Or is the mention of 'peacock' in the question sufficient to qualify it for admittance into Noah's Ark?
Sphinx ? The sphinx was a monster - part woman / lion / bird / serpent ... with a human voice. It / she lived near Thebes and set riddles to the inhabitants, and if they couldn't solve them the Sphinx would devour them.
On the assumption the clue should be Jason's stellar transfer, I started googling. It seems a number of scholars link the adventures of the Jason and the Argnauts to the constellations of the Zodiac, These include the capture and handing over of the Golden Fleece which is linked to Aries, and referred to as 'The Ram Of The Zodiac'. (TROTZ ?)
A bit obscure but there you go :-)
Hope this isn't a RH (colour, fish)
Many thanks to you all for your efforts. I am very impressed by the wealth of knowledge, much greater than mine.
Happy New Year to you all
Thanks again Sue
PS to Kettledrum - I think the ref to animals can be in either the question or answer so Kempe looks good to me, just wonder why they didn't give his other initials, hardly think that would have made it too easy!
PS to Vicasso - all the questions are obscure so RH? - I don't think so!