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It goes to your head

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catfish | 13:51 Mon 19th Jan 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers
Can anyone help this quiz - I have come to it rather late so apologies if all this has been asked before, but if so I haven't been able to find it! All answers include something you put on your head.

12. Sad leavings transformed her. (6)
14. Romeo is confused about the books and gets a flap on. (7)
16. Soldiers had wager about their cap ... (5)
21. Supports family but is on guard. (8)

Thank you!


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Question Author
Thank you. I had thought it was beret, but I don't quite know why - can you explain? I have worked out 21 now - bearskin!
bet about RE (Royal Engineers - soldiers)
Question Author
thank you!
14 montero
21, Bears kin.
12 trilby
Question Author
thank you everyone - but please can someone explain why trilby is the answer to no. 12?
Svengali anagram of leavings transformed transformed trilby from a novel by George du Maurier
Sorry had a hiccup with transformed Svengali was a hypnotist

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It goes to your head

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