We are now approaching Week 4 in the reign of Queen Meg and, with the extra weekend this month, there are still several entrants who could win the glory. Recall that this game has been on-going for over two years now and in that time we have had over 25 different champion/setters. Consequently, when choosing the next MM Champion, I am looking for a reasonable compromise between "predictive skills" and "fresh blood".
Once selected, for the first week there is always a flurry of behind-the-scenes activity to ensure that the in-coming champion has as much (or as little) support that they need to make their term in office as enjoyable as possible. In this respect, Queen Meg has been a delight to work with and has taken to the task like a duck to water!
As usual, the words to be linked will be posted on AB at 9.00 (sharp) and many bonus points are picked off during the first five minutes of play! You need also to look out for the sister game (called KM Links) that kicks off around 07.00am depending on whoever is first to solve the Herculis Crossword in The Daily Telegraph! That can be a bit of a variable feast, but it attracts many entries and scores can be much higher. That truly international version of the Links Game is watched over by "the Hostess with the Mostest" in the form of seekeerz (from the Land of Oz). She takes responsibility for keeping law and order, and seeing that fair play prevails. She will process each prediction and maintain the League Table for the KM Links.
Me? I'm crofter keeper of the scores for MM Links for my sins and I process the predictions and maintain the League Tables for the parallel game.
evening all, looks like the Friday party is still in full swing - how is everyone ??? Poor Strix is NOT allowed whisky with his pain killers, Lady Strix is being very strict about that [ or very mean ] depending on whether you are Strix or not !!
just popping in and out quickly but looks like most have already gone to bed. As I don't really fancy the thought of a haggis with a wagging tail (or two) I think I shall follow suit. Good night all.
Goodnight Dustybun. Not only do these haggi have wagging tails, normally the have two short legs on one side of their bodies and two long ones the other side, which enables them to run round the mountain sides upright!
My 2 yorkies sleep on my bed but seem to have lost them............but why have I got 2 haggi running upstairs????
Goodnight, Sleep tight everyone, see you bright and early!!!