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Terrible Twos

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tpw536w | 11:44 Wed 28th Jan 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
Down to the last page except for No 46
83)Run from the midst of rat, they eat them as well (2,3,6)
88)One bit in a bite: 'Binary Rules OK' (9)
92)A double spanner perhaps at the tables (9,6)

Thanks for any help


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At the double .
Duplicate Bridge
88 Bipartite
Bipartite .
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Thanks swannbaker Sarrie & kayakamina, will have to post it, will never work out No 46
just had a last look at 46) could be said to be cygnets - could it be cobweb??????? but I cannot get anything to go with it thought of Gopher for Squirrell.
92 I put 'blackjack wrench' but not sure if it is right!!

Duplicate bridge is a much better answer, take it from me!!

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Terrible Twos

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